Best of ASCO 2015, Ciudad de México Por tercer año consecutivo se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México lo mejor de los trabajos académicos que se presentaron durante la Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Americana de Oncología Clínica (ASCO por sus siglas en inglés), el pasado mes de junio en Chicago, Ill.

ASCO reunió a más de 35 mil expertos en cáncer de todo el mundo y es el foro internacional donde se presentó la información más actual dentro del diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer.

Ahora, gracias al esfuerzo académico de MRP y Best Of ASCO (Licencia Oficial), presentamos los trabajos seleccionados por el comité científico de ASCO, y el nuestro, en español y en esta ciudad de México.

La cita es este 8 y 9 de octubre de 2015 en el Auditorio INMEGEN del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica.

En te presentamos el programa completo 

Jueves 8 de Octubre

08:00.-  REGISTRO

08:55.-  INAUGURACIÓN Presidium: Dra Aura Erazo Valle, Dr Fco. Ochoa Carrillo, Dra. Gpe. Cervantes Sanchez, Dr José Barrera Franco, Dra Laura Torrecillas, Lic. David Erazo, Lic. Jorge Garcia


09:10. – Primary results, NRG Oncology/ NSABP B-35: A clinical trial of anastrozole(a) versus tamoxifen (tam) in postmenopausal patients with DCIS undergoing lumpectomy plus radiotherapy, Dr. Flavia Morales FUCAM

9:20.- Adjuvant denosumab in breast cancer: Results from 3,425 postmenopausal patients of the ABCSG-18 trial. Dra. Guadalupe Cervantes CMN 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE

9:30.- Phase III, randomized study of trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) +/- pertuzumab (P) vs trastuzumab + taxane (HT) for first-line treatment of HER2- positive MBC: Primary results from the MARIANNE study, Dr. Alejandro Juarez CMN 20 de Noviermbre ISSSTE

9:40.- Mesa Redonda. Coord. Dra. Guadalupe Cervantes

9:50.- Diagnóstico molecular del cáncer de mama y su impacto en la decisión terapéutica.  Dr. Alejandro Mohar INCAN

10:40 Mesa redonda, Coord. Dr. Fco. Ochoa Carrillo PRESIDENTE DE CMO



11:20.- Docetaxel and/or zoledronic acid for hormone-naive prostate cancer: First overall survival results from STAMPEDE Dr. Samuel Rivera CMN Siglo XXI IMSS

11:40.- Defining a molecular subclass of treatment resistant prostate cancer Dra. Perla Perez CMN 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE

11:50.- Randomized phase II, three-arm trial of lenvatinib (LEN), everolimus (EVE), and LEN+EVE in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Dr. Noe Flores HRZ 1 de Octubre ISSSTE

12:00.-  Mesa Redonda. Coord. Dr. Samuel Rivera CMN Siglo XXI IMSS



13:10.- A multi-center randomized controlled trial of mFOLFOX6 with or without radiation in neoadjuvant treatment of local advanced rectal cancer (FOWARC Study): Preliminary results Dr. Mario Escobar H Gral de Mexico SSA

13:20.- Radiofrecuency ablation combined with chemotherapy for unresecable colorectal liver metastases: Long-term survival results of a randomized phase II study of the EORTC-NCRI CCSG-ALM Intergroup 40004 (CLOCC) Dr. Ivan Casanova INCMNSZ

13:30.- SIRFLOX: Randomized phase III trial comparing first-line mFOLFOX6 +/- bevacizumab versus mFOLFOX6 + selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) +/- bev in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer Dra. Guisela Hernández INCAN

13:40.- Mesa Redonda. Coor.  Dr. José Luis Barrera COE, ISSEMyM


13:50.- FIRST study: Updated overall survival in stem cell transplant-ineligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients treated with continuous lenalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone (Rd) vs melphalan, prednisone, and thalidomide . Dra. Deborah Martínez INCMNSZ

14:10.- Reconocimiento: DRA AURA ERAZO VALLE. Vino de Honor

Viernes 9 de Octubre


8:30.- Phase III trial of etirinotecan pegol versus Treatment of Physician´s Choice in patients with advanced breast cancer whose disease has progressed following anthracycline, taxane and capecitabine: The BEACON study Dra. Brenda Carbajal FUCAM

8:40.- Results from a phase 2 study of enzalutamide, an androgen receptor inhibitor, in advanced AR+ triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) Dra. Guadalupe Diaz FUCAM

8:50.- he survival benefit offered by the surgical management of lowgrade ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Dr. Pabel Miranda CMN 20 de Noviembre

9:00.- Mesa Redonda Coord. Dr. Antonio Maffuz FUCAM


9:15.- PALOMA3: A double-blind, phase III trial of fulvestrant with or without palbociclib in pre- and post- menopausal women with hormone receptor- positive, HER2- negative metastatic breast cancer that progressed on prior endocrine therapy. Dra. Laura Torrecillas Presidente SMeO


10:15.- Elective versus therapeutic neck dissection in the clinically node negative early oral cancer: A randomised control trial Dr. Hector Gurrola CMN 20 de Noviembre

10:25. – Phase III randomized trial of standard fractionation radiotherapy with concurrent cisplatin versus accelerated radiotherapy with panitumumab in patients with locoregional advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (LA-SCCHN): NCIC clinical trials Group HN.6 trial Dra. Adela Poitevin Medica Sur

10:35 .- Mesa Redonda. Coord. Dr. Jorge Robles Aviña PEMEX



11:15.- Phase III, randomized trial (CheckMate 057) of nivolumab versus docetaxel in advanced non- squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer. Dr. Jorge Alatorre INER

11:25.- Final overall survival results of the phase III PROCLAIM trial: Pemetrexed, cisplatin (Cis) or etoposide, Cis plus thoracic radiation therapy followed by consolidation cytotoxic chemotherapy in locally advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer Dr. Fernando Aldaco CMN 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE

11:35.-  Mesa Redonda Coord. Dr. Omar Macedo INCAN

11:45 “Cáncer de Mama Hormonosensible y el Reto de Cambiar los Paradigmas” Dra. Cynthia Villarreal INCan 

12:05.-  “Cáncer de Mama HER2+. La importancia de la experiencia local” Dr. Juan Antonio Matus INCan 

12:25.-  Mesa Redonda. Coord. Dra. Laura Torrecillas Presidente SMeO


12:35.-  Update of progression-free survival and correlitive biomarker analysis from coBRIM:Phase 3 study of Cobimetinib plus Vemurafenib in advanced BRAF-mutated melanoma. Dr. Daniel Motola Kuba Medica Sur 

12:55.-  Efficacy and safety results from a phase III trial of nivolumab alone or combined with ipilimumab (IPI) versus IPI alone in treatment-naive patients with advanced melanoma (CheckMate 067) Dra. Vanesa Garcia HGM SSA 

13:05.- Long term follow up of survival in a randomised trial of wide or narrow excision margins in high risk primary melanoma Dr. Miguel Farias CMN 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE 

13:10.- Mesa Redonda. Coord. Dr. Hector Martinez Said INCAN


13:20.-  Phase III, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebocontrolled trial of rilotumumab plus epirubicin, cisplatin and capecitabine (ECX) as first-line therapy in patients with advanced MET-positive gastric or gastroesophageal juntion cancer: RILOMET-1 study Dr. Abraham Ruiz García C O E, ISSEMyM 

13:30.-  Relationship between PD-L1 expression and clinical outcomes in patients with advanced gastric cancer treated with the anti PD-1 monoclonal antibody pembrolizumab in KEYNOTE-012 Dra. Karina Murillo HGZ Ignacio Zaragoza 

13:40.- RAINBOW Dra. Laura Torrecillas Presidente de SMeO 

13:50.- Mesa Redonda. Coor. Dr. Miguel Quintana Hospital NAVAL

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